You ever have those days where you just CANNOT motivate yourself for the LIFE of you? You’re tired, you’re groggy, you’re “not feeling great” and you dread the idea of going to work, let alone getting out of bed and brushing your teeth/hair.I’m having one of those days, friends. I’ve been fighting a cold for a week, I haven’t been getting the best sleep, and this morning was NOT my morning (starting with the fact that I put TWO saline packs in my netty pot -it should be one, and set my sinuses on fire *face palm*)The LAST thing I want to do today is lift anything (except maybe a spoonful of chocolate to my face), but as I am trying to be more disciplined and push myself, I took today as a lesson in compromise. Instead of doing nothing, and instead of overdoing it and potentially hurting myself, I decided I would work on my hip and shoulder mobility.I share this little moment of my day because I just wanted to remind you all, (and myself) that “each day adds a new layer of habits”. It’s not about being perfect, but being consistent enough to generate healthy habits that help us reach whatever goal we are working towards.It’s not always easy – in fact, it rarely is. But taking it one day at a time is all you need to start walking down a path to your goalsI hope you have all started your week well rested, full of energy, and ready to take on the world – one day at a time!