by drarienne | Feb 17, 2025 | breathing, core stability, diastasis recti, encouragement, exercises, fitness, health, home workouts, incontinence, motherhood, orthopedics, pelvic floor, physical therapy, postpartum, prenatal, Uncategorized, wellness, womens health
Your six-week postpartum check-up is often treated as the “green light” to jump back into workouts, sex, and all your usual activities. But is your body actually ready? Pregnancy and birth—whether vaginal or C-section—change your body in major ways. Your core, pelvic...
by drarienne | Oct 23, 2024 | breathing, core stability, diastasis recti, exercises, fit mom, fitness, health, home workouts, moms, motherhood, orthopedics, pelvic floor, physical therapy, postpartum, prenatal, sports injuries, Uncategorized, wellness, womens health
. . How the Core is Affected in Pregnancy and Postpartum — And Why Moving With Intention is Key to Recovery We all know that pregnancy and childbirth bring incredible changes to your body, especially to your core. While...
by drarienne | Aug 26, 2024 | breathing, core stability, diastasis recti, exercises, fitness, health, incontinence, orthopedics, pelvic floor, physical therapy, postpartum, prenatal, womens health
Let’s talk about the pelvic floor – something that is incredibly important for day to day function, but often overlooked. The pelvic floor is like the unsung hero of your body, supporting organs like your bladder, uterus, and rectum, and playing a big role in your...
by Arienne Wrigley | Mar 17, 2020 | fitness, health, orthopedics, physical therapy, sports injuries, wellness
I get this question ALL the TIME – from my parents, from my husband, from my friends, and even from my clients. Do I need an MRI? Should I go see the doctor? urgent care? ER?!My husband came home last week with a sprained ankle. He thinks he’s still 20 and Kobe,...